岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域 放射線医学/岡山大学 放射線科

研究業績 Research achievements

ホーム 研究について 研究業績 Safety and Efficacy of Cryotherapy for the Treatment of Renal Angiomyolipoma Related to Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: The Cryo-TSC Study

Safety and Efficacy of Cryotherapy for the Treatment of Renal Angiomyolipoma Related to Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: The Cryo-TSC Study

Kashiwagi E, Hatano T, Shimizu K, Takamoto A, Tomita K, Osawa T, Sakuhara Y, Hongo F, Hirota T, Ushijima Y, Asayama Y, Goto S, Miki J, Matsukawa A, Kiyomi F, Egawa S, Nasu Y, Shinohara N, Ukimura O, Nakano S, Arai Y, Eto M

JU Open Plus.2(6):e00051,2024

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